Saturday, October 1, 2011

Linguistic surveys

I don't much talk about my research on my blog, but I am a linguist and occasionally give people surveys that make them feel uncomfortable. This is one of those times. Please take my surveys!

Survey 1

Survey 2

1 comment:

  1. Can I make you uncomfortable as well? :)
    Dear colleague,

    As part of an MA dissertation's data collection procedure,I am conducting a survey for English native and non-native (specifically Arabic) speaking faculty , and your response would be most appreciated.

    The survey requires the respondent to be a faculty member who has written recommendation letters before, for academic purposes.

    Here is a link to the survey:

    Please feel free to forward this message to whoever concerned. If interested,data analysis results will be sent to you when ready.

    For further correspondence:

    Thanks for your participation,

    Heba Bakry
    English Language and Literature Dept.
    Cairo University
