Saturday, February 17, 2007

Some of the museums and random locations of Paris

So on to some of the things I've been seeing in Paris... Since last I updated, I went to two museums, the Rodin and the Louvre. (I also went to the Musee d'Orsay, but didn't take any pictures, whoops!) Here are some of the highlights from my Paris adventures:
The Thinker at the Musee Rodin in the gardens (which are spectacular and I will take more pictures of them in the spring when it's nicer):
The Kiss, or a terracotta version of it from the side:

At the Louvre, Hammurabi's Code. I pretty much went crazy over this thing:
In the Tuilleries (between the Louvre and Place de la Concorde) I saw some kids sailing miniature boats:
Then, finally, the metro station at Rennes, right below the outdoor market on Raspail I go to every Friday. It says "Direction Montparnasse" on this side and "Direction Montmartre" on the other in case you get lost in the metro station:

1 comment:

  1. That picture you took at the Rodin is so beautiful, it almost doesn't look real! I can't wait to visit you and see all of your favorite spots! Only 4 1/2 weeks til then.
